
As this website does not make use of cookies, no Personally Identifiable Information will be automatically gathered about you when you visit it. This is due to the fact that the website does not employ a cookie system. You will be able to visit the site without revealing any Personal Information about yourself in the majority of instances, unless you expressly desire to submit such information. In the case that the NIET wants you to provide personal information, necessary safety procedures will be taken to guarantee that your personal information will be kept secret.

Site visit data:

Your server’s address, the name of the top-level domain from which you access the Internet (for example,.gov,.com,.in, etc.), the type of browser you use, the date and time you access the site, the pages you’ve accessed and the documents you’ve downloaded, and the previous Internet address from which you linked directly to the site will be logged and collected for statistical purposes during your session. Everything you need to know may be gleaned from your browser’s history. 

We will not identify users or the websites that they visit, unless a law enforcement agency gets an order that gives them permission to see the service provider’s information. In this one and only instance, an exception will be made to the rule.


When you visit some websites, little pieces of software called cookies may be placed onto your computer or another device you use for surfing. Cookies are known as “cookies.” When you browse certain websites from your smartphone, some websites could recognise your device as having been used. A few cookies will prompt you to provide your personal information and will thereafter use the information to identify your computer in the future. The cookies that are created during a single browsing session are referred to as “per-session cookies,” and they are deleted when the browser is closed. Cookies that are only active for the length of a single session are used for operational purposes, such as making the navigation on the site as smooth as possible. 

These cookies do not collect any personally identifying information about users, and as soon as you leave our website, they are erased. Additionally, these cookies do not save any information that might be used to identify a user. Your computer’s hard disc will not be utilized to store the cookies, and the information that is captured by the cookies will not be saved in a manner that is permanent. Cookies are kept locally on your computer and can only be accessed during the active session of the browser in which they were originally created and stored. A gentle prompt to warn you that the cookie will be removed after you have closed your browser.

Email management

If you do not intend to post a message, your email address will not be recorded; but, if you do submit one, it will be. Your information will not be added to a mailing list, and we will only use it for the purpose that you have provided it for (for example, your comments for the website). Without your explicit permission, we will not use your email address for any other purpose, nor will we share it with any other parties.

Collection of Personal Information

Collection of Personally Identifiable Information In the case that NIET requests any extra personally identifiable information from you, you will be informed of the objectives for which the information will be used, and it will be your choice whether or not to submit it. 

Please use the “contact us” form to notify the webmaster if you have any questions or complaints about this privacy statement or if you feel that the principles outlined here have not been adhered to. This website may also be used if you have any queries about our guidelines.